Pick me

By Brit - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I made a Facebook under a guy's name and I'm sending myself wall posts just so it looks like I actually talk to a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 255
You deserved it 46 244

Top comments

ElMundio87 0

just go talk to a guy, it's not hard

This will back fire, in a few weeks this should be posted, "my friends found out that the guy I've been talking to on facebook was me." don't expect sympathy when it happens.


thatonegirl2012 0


You're not in Kansas, anymore... This is Pandora.. ----- Seriously, OP, You don't get my sympathy just because you are a fruit loop.. May I suggest getting a life?

ElMundio87 0

just go talk to a guy, it's not hard

Ditto. Most guys almost never write on other people's walls or even make status updates. I'm definitely one of them, I talk to people on FB all the time but I can't remember the last time I actually made a wall post.

If you're trying to impress your friends. Real worls friends already know and who cares what your internet friends think about your dating life or lack thereof?

hobojo11 0

we dont bite unless you bit us first

xdre09x 0

wow. aww why it gotta be from kansas. we don't got problems like that here in missouri

HeresReality 0

it's not hard to get a guy to talk to you.as long as you aren't completely ugly you could flirt with a guy and get some posts

realggirl 0

that sucks, you should just write on some guys' walls being like "hey what's up"

Sun_Kissed18 25

exactly, facebook is two ways...

wow such a sad excuse for a girl you no what I'll make a facebook just for you so you can say hi to me the email will be [email protected]

anela_fml 0

ok I'm shy but at least I get out there you really need to open up

anela_fml 0

oh an I hope you don't put pictures of your "guy" up wouldn't want some one to say hey I know you

AntiChrist7 0

Get of facebook and walk into the real life, that will help