Pleased to meet you

By ANON - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Littleton

Today, I went straight from work to a blind date, and I decided to change in my car at the parking lot. Someone pulled up next to me as I had my ass to the window. It was my date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 174
You deserved it 8 990

Top comments

If changing required you to have your ass out facing the world, you should have stopped to change somewhere. YDI

I think starting a date with a view of a full moon is a wonderful idea


what the hell were you taking off or putting on that put you in that position?

zeffra13 31

You really should have seen that coming. You should've changed in the bathroom at work or somewhere along the way, where you aren't mooning people. Even if they didn't park right next to you, they could've walked past.

when i read this "ass-to-the-world" fml, i couldn't stop pressing YDI. FML that I can only press YDI once.

ndnpride88 25

Haha lol at least he already know what to look forward to

Next time, do the world a favour, change at work, nobody wants to walk past a car (potentially having children with them) and seeing some man's ass hanging out the window.

andrmac 25

Looks like 2 eggs and a hankie! - Dr Evil

Ive had to change a lot of times in the car and never have had my ass in the window. Ydi.

How did your date go? Is there a second one?

I wonder how you managed that, I've changed many times in the car, in broad daylight, and never exposed more than my belly button.