Pleased to meet you

By ANON - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Littleton

Today, I went straight from work to a blind date, and I decided to change in my car at the parking lot. Someone pulled up next to me as I had my ass to the window. It was my date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 174
You deserved it 8 990

Top comments

If changing required you to have your ass out facing the world, you should have stopped to change somewhere. YDI

I think starting a date with a view of a full moon is a wonderful idea


Either they like your ass or they don't, OP. Either way...

Hopefully the date ended with your butt in his face also?

Why not just change in the bathroom like a normal person.

Martinv9 7

She was blind though how would she know? Sorry... Kidding

Now its an actual blind date.Shes blind from seeing you ass. YDI

wait... what? ..I change in my car all the time and never have once had my ass to the window. I think you should reevaluate how you go about that.

hoosiergirl94 31