Pleased to meet you

By ANON - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Littleton

Today, I went straight from work to a blind date, and I decided to change in my car at the parking lot. Someone pulled up next to me as I had my ass to the window. It was my date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 174
You deserved it 8 990

Top comments

If changing required you to have your ass out facing the world, you should have stopped to change somewhere. YDI

I think starting a date with a view of a full moon is a wonderful idea


Scrat382 8

Ever heard of choosing a safe location before dressing in the car? Mooned you date......

when I changed in the car real quick...I only needed to lift my ass a little bit to get the pants on. like why the **** are you changing and doing karma sutra all at once

At least you don't need to explain a lot to her now. Your ass should make the relationship to highest level. Well done

I never understood those who say they don't have enough time to change before they head off to somewhere else, but believe they have the time to change in their car. It is much easier to change in say a washroom than inside a car because of privacy and spacious reasons. Nevertheless, I hope OP follows up with us on how the date went.

Paridote 6

There's these things called bathrooms....

zombrie20 5

There was one time I parked at the dark part of a parking lot to.change and it ended up being a parking spot right where a camera was after I had finished changing shirt and bottom..

rotten timing. it might have been better to let ur blind date know you were going to be a little late and changed at home.

I would say you faced your date head on but it's the wrong end.