Pleased to meet you

By ANON - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Littleton

Today, I went straight from work to a blind date, and I decided to change in my car at the parking lot. Someone pulled up next to me as I had my ass to the window. It was my date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 174
You deserved it 8 990

Top comments

If changing required you to have your ass out facing the world, you should have stopped to change somewhere. YDI

I think starting a date with a view of a full moon is a wonderful idea


gary8082 14

Don't you think you're rushing into things? Normally ass up, face down isn't until the third date.

On the contrary , that sounded like a rather revealing date .

So... ditto to everyone else's comment. Plus - you know that cars are basically all windows on the top half, right?

The real unanswered question here is whether or not this helped you/provided a good conversation topic. The people berating you for it just shhh we all have changed in the car

zeffra13 31

Who changes pants by putting their ass against the window? It's not hard to stay seated, especially if you move out of the driver's seat.

deathstroke990 22

97% of places you'd wanna go on a date to have bathrooms, that can be changed in. ydi

Britt125 16

Just wait until you get married and people ask how you met. "Well, it started as I was in my car with my ass to the window..." Nice meet cute story, don't you think?