Poor good boy

By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 20:54 - United Kingdom

Today, my dog died. I spent ages digging him a grave and buried him in the garden so that my dad wouldn't have to deal with the stress when he got home from work. When my dad got home he told me that he had wanted the dog to be cremated. I have just had to dig up my dog's body. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 229
You deserved it 5 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats horrible. How could your father make you do that? I would've told him that your dog should just stay buried. I'm sorry you lost him.

Shit--HE is the one wants the cremation, let HIM go dig him up.


fmlfmlfml15 0

#27 don't be surprised if that comment doesn't get moderated too. And #11 "twatwaffle" is my new favorite word.

angryseatroll 5

I'm very sorry that your dog died.... I couldn't imagine if my dog died. Just one thing. You don't say "I have just had to." you should have said "I just had to" thats more gramatically correct.

angryseatroll 5

Or I have to. But you put a past tense and present tense in the same sentence. So they cancel eachother out

Calling people assholes in caps+"yugioh the abridged series" reference=loser.

actually my grandpa had cancer, so i visited him a lot in the hospital. we went at least 3 times a week. so yeah.. way to jump to conclusions. i only cried for about 2 days. its called be a man and deal with life. everything and everyone is going to die sometime

#37 "be a man & deal with life"??? what planet are you from. I'm sorry you grandpa died, and yes everyone does die at sometime, but the whole be a man that is stupid!!!! how dare you tell someone to stop showing emotion. kibbleznbitz0 is twice the man you'll every be! maybe you never really cared for someone, because losing someone is the worst thing that can happen. Believe me, i was 10 when i lost my grandpa & 12 when i lost my mum & dad. And i will never get over either of them. Showing emotion isn't a bad thing, it takes a lot of guts to do.

Liv ur lif xoxo (if that is your real name! ;) ), I bow to you, Ô wise one. I wish more men would be like you. Don't ever lose yourself. :)

WTH, yu-gi-oh abridged reference = total win


People that say TOTAL WIN/FTW/ULTIMATE NINJA=losers

mouser103 0

Sorry for your loss. However, it might be better to have him cremated--you don't want wild animals digging him up and stuff.

Ugh, I have to have my dog put down next week. You'd think your dad would have mentioned this earlier or just let the issue go. Frankly I think keeping cremated pets and people is a little creepy.