Poor good boy

By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 20:54 - United Kingdom

Today, my dog died. I spent ages digging him a grave and buried him in the garden so that my dad wouldn't have to deal with the stress when he got home from work. When my dad got home he told me that he had wanted the dog to be cremated. I have just had to dig up my dog's body. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 229
You deserved it 5 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats horrible. How could your father make you do that? I would've told him that your dog should just stay buried. I'm sorry you lost him.

Shit--HE is the one wants the cremation, let HIM go dig him up.


Hey, twatwaffle. Be quiet, you pus-sucking spermsock.

rakhil11 7

Why wouldn't you just make your dad do it? He's the one that wants your dog to be cremated....

moopsy234 0

lol mercy lol mature ahaha gold... lol nut I can't even imagine if my dog died... she is my baby... oh god no no no I can't talk about this i'm starting to get testy eyed I luv her so much omg omg omg! 

moopsy234 0

oh and ur dads a total douche-cicle I wud tell him to dig it himself

D00d33 0

Why would it matter if the dog was cremated or not? Whats gone is gone. What i dont understand is why your dad felt so strongly about cremating a dog when you already buried it..wtf

moopsy234 0

who buries their dog in their backyard? Shit man, you should have at least called your dad. You wouldn't of had to bury your dog once, then get the doggy back up.

Twin_Uzis 0

Cheer up.. It's not like your Dad decided to break out the Tiller or anything...

He should have set his garden on fire with gasoline.