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By anonymous - 30/10/2009 07:45 - United States

Today, I decided to adopt a 11 year old dog that has been in need of a home for several months. Two hours after I got him home, I discovered him dead in the backyard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 775
You deserved it 3 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats a shame, but you should be proud of yourself for doing something like that in the first place. It shows u care for it's life, even in it's last hours.

wellinever 5

Probably small consolation, but the poor dog probably died very happy to think that he had found a new owner who loved him. Upsetting for you, but the best ending he could have wished for. When you are ready, have another go. Definitely not an FML. You should feel your life is blessed.


What's with all the dead dog FMLs lately?

At first I thought you were talking to me. Turns out you're just a douche for replying so your comment would be at the top.

rip for doggy. u stupid for not bringing it to a vet afterwards

gatorgirl7563 22

It was DEAD! What was a vet supposed to do? Perform a necropsy (animal autopsy)? They cost $100 where I live, and for what reason? To discover why an elderly dog that she wasn't emotionally attached to died? Unless she suspects that something unsafe in her yard caused the dog's death, there would be no benefit to her knowing. So, again, I ask, Why should she have taken it to the vet?

Thats a shame, but you should be proud of yourself for doing something like that in the first place. It shows u care for it's life, even in it's last hours.

pancakes_n_syrup 0

I agree. That dog was probably on it's last leg for it's last few months but was just waiting for someone to take the time to care about it before drifting away peacefully. I think it's sweet..I'm sorry you lost your dog so soon, but at least you made it easier for him to move on

I also agree. At least, you gave it a home to die in.

yeah :'( sad. im going to shower now. need break...too sad to read more

MarisaMassacre 5

I agree. It is sad that the dog died but because of you he died feeling wanted and loved. That is all someone, including a dog, could hope for. I think it is very sweet that you chose to adopt an old dog even though his death was inevitable in the near future, as opposed to going to a breeder and paying thousands of dollars for a puppy that would be bought by the next person to walk in. It is sad but you are a great person.

I don't know about the adoption policies where you live, but most of the shelters around here will do a basic checkup of the animal before sending him or her home. You may want to contact them to let them know, because if the dog was sick it may be something contagious. That aside, you gave that dog a warm, loving passage across the Rainbow Bridge, and I doubt he could have asked for more. RIP, poor old pup.

gatorgirl7563 22

Kudos to you for adopting an elderly dog. I don't think I could. Please, don't misunderstand me. I'm WILLING to pamper and adore and love an elderly dog, AND clean up after its accidents and help it walk across our slippery kitchen floor. I'd even be willing to adopt (and pamper and love, etc) an old dog that I knew was dying, even one that I knew only had weeks or months left to live.... as long as any expensive(!$!$) medicines or treatments were paid for by someone else. The simple fact is, I don't have the money to knowingly adopt a dog that would drain my unimpressive bank account even lower. And I'm too afraid of adopting a seemingly-healthy elderly dog, and then finding out that it is sick with something serious, which leaves me with two choices: spend a ton of money on a dog I am not emotionally attached to so it can live a little longer or hate myself for ignoring one of my fundamental beliefs of pet ownership since I took the easy and cheap 'out' and either got rid of the dog or put it to sleep (because I very firmly believe that getting a pet is a serious commitment that should be followed through to the very end and not passed on to someone else when it stops being fun and easy). I can't afford to spend a ton of money on a dog I don't deeply love and consider a member of my family, because once I make that commitment, I know I absolutely WILL spend money on him. That's being said, once I am able to actually adopt pets with my own feelings and personal situation as the only consideration (since I'm still in college and living with my parents), I plan to adopt adult dogs, specifically ones not younger than 14-ish months old. I'm not sure what my upper limit for doggy age will be. Maybe four or five. But NEVER younger than a year. Because... People think getting a puppy means they're getting an animal that is a 'blank slate' that will be molded by and written on only by them, but that's not true. Puppies are really a tiny, cute, chewing-on-everything, un-housetrained ball of mystery and great big unknowns. Genetics plays a big part in adult dog instincts and behavior; the genetics of the doggy parents and grandparents as well as the genetics of the breed(s) involved to produce the pup, but even that can only HINT at what their adult personality and quirks MIGHT one day become. Also, many owners are too uneducated in the ways of dog training, proper socialization, and behavior modification to influence and shape their impressionable, 'blank slate' puppies into becoming mentally and socially well-adjusted, as well as a good fit for the current AND future needs of their family. LET'S FACE IT: those picture circulating the internet comparing what YOU see when you look at your dog (adorable, kiss-giving puppy) versus what OTHERS see when they look at your dog (bloodthirsty monster barely being restrained by its leash and liable to break free any second), are accurate more often than people want to believe about their precious cuddle buddies Many people keep buying puppy after puppy to replace the adult dog they just got rid of because they couldn't handle its behavior problems. They treat their new puppy the exact same way they treated their old puppy and then are shocked when it grows to be the same unruly, unmanageable, poorly trained, unsocialized dog as their last one, never thinking, never realizing that THEY are the problem and only by not making the same mistakes again will they get a different result. The truth is, rescuing an adult dog, aka a pre-loved dog, means you already know exactly what you are getting before the dog even walks through your front door. There is no wondering what your new pet will be like in a few years because he is already like that. You already know the dogs strengths and weakness, problem areas and talents. There's no wondering how big it will get or how much work its adult coat will be to take care of (a real concern for mutt lovers like me). And you don't have to rescue an elderly dog to take advantage of this truth. Any dog over 16 weeks old is already mentally "set in stone", so to speak. Although that phrase is not entirely accurate because you absolutely CAN teach an old dog new tricks. However, 16 weeks of age is when the critical period of socialization ends, meaning your pet stops being an easily-impressionable, open-minded puppy and becomes a set-in-his-ways, close-minded, adult dog. (This is called the "Developmental Stages of Puppy Behavior" but can also be called "stages of puppy behavior" or "stages of puppy development", in case you want to google it yourself.) At 16 weeks old, a canine is, scientifically, no longer a puppy or baby, but is not an adult yet. By then, whatever your dog is already afraid of, he will continue to be afraid of unless you are willing to work five times as hard to remove his adult fear/phobia of the object or situation, but they can also gain new fears, too. After their 16th week (or a little less than 4 months old), they enter a development stage where they spend their time chewing everything because of teething until their are about 6 months old. From age 6-12 months, is the next developmental stage which involves testing boundaries to see what he can get away with or if he can take over completely, being obnoxious and over-confidently independent, having a seemingly inexhaustible level of energy and the attention span of a guppy, chewing things to smithereens just for the fun of it the moment your back is turned, suddenly and randomly becoming afraid of things they were fine with five minutes ago and then becoming unafraid again for no apparent reason, ignoring rules that have been enforced since their first day in your house, thinking that they're always right and that they know everything, becoming interested in doggies of the opposite sex and interested in human legs of any sex and age and level of familiarity, and that it's the end of the world if they have to sit still and be bored for five minutes (and they're right, because it will be the end of YOUR world if they get bored since they'll decide to chew your couch to shreds or rip up your carpet). In other words, a being teenager. STATISTICALLY, this is the time at which most dogs are abandoned because they are too big of a handful, are too much work for their owners. However, the more exercise you provide for your dog during this time, the easier it will be to manage his behavior, because he'll simply be too tired to get into trouble. Depending on which expert or website you consult, this adolescent stage can end at 1 year old or extend to their 18th month. It also depends on the breed, size (small dogs mature faster), and family history of the dog. If you aren't lucky enough to have this behavior end around their first birthday, your dog's behavior will have more to do with exploring his newfound sexuality (if not already neutered) and finding his place in his 'pack'. He won't be obnoxious, randomly fearful, or short attention-spanned like before, but he will still test or ignore you to see if or what he can get away with. However, with each passing day, the amount of bad behavior will lessen and his level of obedience and calmness will increase. So... maybe now you're willing to adopt a teenage or adult dog, too?

129- JESUS! That's the longest comment I have ever seen! Well done!

These things happen and this sucks, but as the famous Stephen Lynch song goes, "Dead puppies aren't much fun." And yes, I understand an 11-year-old dog is no longer a puppy.

I love Stephen Lynch! OP, I'm sorry that happened, but I also agree that the dog was probably happy to have you.

I gave your comment a thumbs down, so why am I laughing so hard? Am I going to go to Hell?

MarisaMassacre 5

Here we go Okay... #9 You are a disgusting bastard who has probably not done one nice thing for anyone else in your life. You are probably some sad and alone 40-something year old man sitting at his computer being an asshole because you have no one to fill the void in your horrible heart. I am not a believer in heaven or hell but if I was I would say you have earned yourself a one way ticket to visit Hades because judging from your commentary on this you do not have respect or concern for anything or anyone but yourself. ********... K bai

wellinever 5

Probably small consolation, but the poor dog probably died very happy to think that he had found a new owner who loved him. Upsetting for you, but the best ending he could have wished for. When you are ready, have another go. Definitely not an FML. You should feel your life is blessed.

Kudos to you for giving the dog a happy ending. A k9 hospice. It's not like you got deeply attached to it.

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

Show it anyway

At least he died at a home, and loved instead of someplace else and lonely.

My comment is still there. FYL for not understanding humor and irony.

girlygirl666 0

WAIT! So I DONT have magical powers?? Aww ****!!

txgirl09 5

Wileypube, rofl because I did in fact get my precious doggie on craigslist.

laurenjean16 0
girlygirl666 0

@ # 9-I have to say: 1) You are a moron for calling the dog a "used up second-hand dog." 2) You are an idiot for thinking you can buy/adopt an animal any other way than "as is." 3) You are an asshole for thinking you know where she gets her underwear, condoms, or dogs. 4) You are a stupid shit for not being able to understand what you read. It does not say/ imply that she "bought" the dog "as is" on Craigslist. The OP tried to do something nice for a dog in need, which was a nice thing to do. Obviously, you don't understand this kind of thing. Shut up, please.

girlygirl666 0

Edit- I was replying to wileypube's comment, and now it's not here. Hahah. What's funny is I was going to say the nicest thing he could do for anyone would be to just disappear! Then, POOF! he's gone! I have magical powers. Don't **** with me.

gatorgirl7563 22

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