Powerful left foot

By tom0441 - 22/10/2011 08:34 - Reserved

Today, I saw a father and son playing football in a car park as I was on my way to work. The ball rolled towards me, so feeling nice, I kicked it back to them. Turns out it went straight through their car window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 052
You deserved it 6 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29


lexxiii 17

Sometimes, being nice doesn't work out...


ikickgingers 15

Onside kick!!!! Well, did they recover possession ???

ikickgingers 15

I'd say I love you too, I would however feel like I belonged to nambla.. Even though I'm not a man.... Okay forget I said anything. *goes back to bed*

Holy shit 50!! Nambla...certainly never excepted to see that in a reply. I'm still giggling like a tween. Tip of the hat to you, sir!

Kicky I creeped your profile....My god, who sent you that PM? What a ******* loser. Besides, you have friends like me to back you up! So HA random troll, I turned the tables on your anonymous failure of a life!

EmilieAutumn 7
NotMuchLuck 0

Wait..... A football football or American football?

I don't think American football should be played on a car park so I'm guessing they were playing some good ol footy

nero9112 4

OP used the term British term "car park" (meaning parking lot for the people across the pond) so it is safe to assume they are referring to association football.

iFizzgig 11

I don't understand why this is thumbed down, it's a valid question and most Americans don't understand English terminology to help them to understand. Besides the location of this FML was not given either, so it was all that this person could do to guess.

pokeychris 6

If you kicked it hard enough to go through a window you probably had no intent on calmly giving it back to them.

Don't know if you've ever kicked one, but it dosent take much effort to get one going fast enough to easily break a window.

Nice kick ! But that sucks ! It's the thought that counts.

13FTW 9

No, I'm pretty sure it's the ******* broken window op just blasted to pieces that counts.

... it's like were asking the Europeans to just shit on us Americans...

FkThisLife 6

Atleast you gave the football back!

no the word goal did not originate from spanish, it originated from early civilization languages, formly from mayans i believe

mojojojo91 6

Nice try Rudy, but next time why don't you just hand it to them.