Powerful left foot

By tom0441 - 22/10/2011 08:34 - Reserved

Today, I saw a father and son playing football in a car park as I was on my way to work. The ball rolled towards me, so feeling nice, I kicked it back to them. Turns out it went straight through their car window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 052
You deserved it 6 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29


lexxiii 17

Sometimes, being nice doesn't work out...


The real question is... what kind of football?

KaelaKhaotic 5
Bently24 6

You never kick a football like a soccer ball, only the way it's suppost to be kicked

Except in this case, it IS a soccer ball. Notice how OP said "car park" and not parking lot

SilverBelle13 0

jesus! how hard did you kick the damn thing?!

decidedlyvague 11
SteveTonyY 3
leadman1989 15

Like a good neighbor state farm is there. With a new window, cookies and vodka!