
By Abused - 13/10/2010 08:36 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend used my love handles as ACTUAL love handles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 908
You deserved it 20 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kportal69 5

what like he grabs on to your love handles during sex? why do you think they're called love handles?? am I stupid or are you?? just trying to figure that one out.


theian01 3


perdix 29

Fatties like you ought to be thrilled to be getting any sex at all. I guess it can be a hassle since it takes you away from the truly orgasmic pleasure you derive from consuming massive quantities of junk food.

john7h567hgrd 0

wow oyr an asshole. chubby girls are adorable

DarkHelmet 10

he's probably the one who nomnomnoms mass quantities of junk food. and gets laid only when he touches himself. :D

Sonfang 19

#15, wow that's usually are funny and quirky...maybe you need some caffeine?

FYLDeep 25

I don't think I would want a girl that weighed significantly more than me though.

You don't even need to be considered overweight by the bmi to have love handles, so you're simply being a jackass or trying too hard to be funny

FYLDeep 25

You can be pretty fat and still be in the BMI healthy range if a lot your weight is in fat instead of muscle. BMI isn't even that good of a benchmark.

Perdix, you're the god of all commenters.

okay?? thats really mean. lots of skinny beautiful girls have love handles. thats really mean of you to say. your a dick. and love handles make some girls look like they have curves. but apparently you like stick figures.

You guys do realise that Perdix is rarely to be taken seriously, right? Most of his comments are jokes.

I like it when my dude grabs anything on my someone said up there *points* that just means he's railing the hell out of me and not only am I enjoying it thoroughly -- he is too. Stop complaining OP. FHL for having such a whiney and unappreciative girlfriend.

ruby84 1

hahahhaha I guess perdix got many people mad cuz they can relate to op & being fat.. awe your feelings are hurt? would you like some chocolate? ice-cream?

Sonfang 19

#49 I generally enjoy his comments, I think they are funny and quirky. But that's MY opinion, not yours. :) But this particular one was not, I feel no amber towards him, I just didn't like this one, I suggested a remedy, caffeine. It makes the world go round!

Sonfang 19

#85 yea, I totally realize this. But this one wasn't really funny, it has to do with my personal experiences. But most I really laugh at. Also I really enjoy your comments, very logical and intelligently put. =^_^= Please continue to comment! :)

Sonfang - Thank you. My comment was mainly to explain that getting annoyed with Perdix is usually a waste of time, as he usually is joking and doesn't mean it. However even Perdix isn't above mistakes, and occasionally his comments don't always appeal to as wide an audience...

I agree with Perdix as always :) his comments are never to be taken seriously btw.

Michael216 0

You're just mad cuz you're the only one with standards low enough to **** you.

LaylaLou_fml 0

ok that is hateful and uncalled for. everyone has love handles. I'm 94 pounds and. have them. so don't judge because you probably have them too.

I don't see the FML here, those are very useful.

Do you get mad when he holds on to your pigtails during a bj?

BelleElle_fml 5

There's a reason why they're called love handles.....

well either lose some weight so their not so defiant or shut up about it. that's what their there for so obviously he's gonna use them.

ugh learn the difference between *their*, *there*, and *they're*. Knob.

Not only that but #20 clearly doesn't know what defiant means... maybe she meant defined? But defined love handles to me would be like, the kind that have a roll over their thighs, in which case they couldn't be used as handles as I doubt he could reach his pee-wee to her hoo-haa past her arse :P

RedPillSucks 31

I've yet to see Mackenzie or any of its variants spelled with aa. So much failure.... I also giggled at "hoo ha" and "pee wee".

legonut6 0

Don't forget defiant vs. definite.

DarkHelmet 10

Why are u suprised that's EXACTLY what they are do you think they got the damn name!!

Be happy that he put them to good use!! :D

agblud 2

hahaha! even skinny girls have love handles btw. Girls are curvy. But hey they call 'em love handles for a reason sweetheart, just try and enjoy the ride