
By Abused - 13/10/2010 08:36 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend used my love handles as ACTUAL love handles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 908
You deserved it 20 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kportal69 5

what like he grabs on to your love handles during sex? why do you think they're called love handles?? am I stupid or are you?? just trying to figure that one out.


inglouriousbitch 0

I'm assuming this is an FML because OP is overweight but this really should have been worded differently. Thin people have love handles also, and I happen to like when mine are used that way : D

yukikomei 0

this should be on mlia not fml :(

Shut up. You know you like. Next time you should do the Truffle Shuffle. Maybe he'll want to grab your stomach rolls instead. And don't be one of those fat chicks that aren't considerate they're getting sex at all. Chunk.

hit4prez 0

yes, yes they are, or at least I think so, love handles I think are nasty, but you don't have to worry you ain't got none from the sound of the question and default pic

... that's what they're for... *face palm*

im confused sorry can some one please explain this one

@121, "love handles" is a figurative way to call fat rolls. The OP meant her boyfriend actually used her fat rolls as handles, grabbing them while making love. I'm not sure why this is a FML, but meh...