Pranking hell!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Quebec

Today, I got married. I'm Jewish, and it's traditional to break a glass cup by stepping on it after giving the bride her ring. My brother thought it would be funny to replace the glass cup with a rubber one. I slipped and fell flat on my back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 014
You deserved it 4 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SerenaSerenadex3 13

Typical first comment; it's a very tragic disease.


OMG that sucks but Mazel Tov on getting married!

No wedding goes off without a hitch, sounds like your guests got a little entertainment at your expense. No permanent injury and a fun story for the uncle to tell your kids. Congrats

MAZEL TOZ! LICHEIM! may u live long in prosper

Oy vey! I hope you're okay. You're going to have to get back at your brother somehow.

Oy! Your brother is a putz. Mazel Tov on the nuptials.

Megan98 18

I've seen that happen before, in the hotel I was staying at!

Axel5238 29

Wow, sorry to hear that OP. Your brother sounds like an ass. Most people have no clue when isn't a good time for a practical joke. Hope you can at least get revenge at his wedding or a family dinner.

As a fellow Jew, that's offensive...but I would've loved to see it!

jim_bolicious 4

what the he'll is the purpose of stepping on the glass anyway