Pranking hell!
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Quebec
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Quebec
By Lucky girl - 23/08/2023 04:00 - Canada
By Anonymous - 11/06/2009 14:37 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/03/2011 07:44 - United States
By Butters - 24/09/2022 16:00 - Australia - Lathlain
By slipperyhands - 15/08/2009 07:50 - United States
By stillhurting - 05/01/2014 21:45 - Canada - Langley
By Mike-al - 05/11/2023 09:00 - Germany
By Anonymous - 06/07/2012 10:42 - United States
By Gerry - 05/11/2024 09:00 - Ireland
By thefailure - 02/08/2009 04:21 - United States
I guess that there won't be a lot of sexy time for a few days. I hope you feel better OP.:(
If you don't break the glass on the first stomp, your marriage is doomed to fail. Otherwise, it's 50/50. Oy, gevalt!
So if the cup didn't break, would they still yell "OPAAA!!" anyway?
Oh yea, forgot the movie was my big fat *GREEK* wedding. Well now I look like a complete idiot, so... OPAA!!!
Definitely a moment you'll remember, but in years to come this will be a funny story that you'll enjoy telling people :-)
I hope it didnt hurt too much. But hey, people won't forget your wedding and it's a nice story to tell your future children :)
I've heard they now use light bulbs because they make a louder pop noise and are easier to break.(:
Maybe Jews shouldn't do weird shit like that
There are many explanations of the origin of that tradition. My favourite is that your marriage should last as long as it takes to put the glass back together. If that's the case, I'd consult a divorce lawyer immediately.
Your brother is creative
Typical first comment; it's a very tragic disease.