
By unwanted - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my parents fought over who gets the dog when they divorce. Nothing has been said about where my brother and I will live when they split. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 226
You deserved it 3 600

Top comments

The dog can't chose, so they have to decide. When they actually divorce they'll probably just let you chose.

the thing is, when the dog licks their face, it's cute but when you try to do it just gets awkward


Before you jump to conclusions, wait and listen to them. They might have already decided where you guys will stay. I doubt they have forgotten, after all they're your parents and you're their children. They've seen you for years. Most likely, they've already been through deciding where you will go and are in the process of deciding where the dog goes. Just be patient. Either way, divorce sucks. :(

whoever gets the dog has to take you to. tell them you are a package deal.

aw....I'm sure they still love you. kinda.

I'm so sorry that incompetent parents such as yours were allowed to have children.

Maybe it's their code for talking about you guys. Do you guys find yourself fetching things often? Kidding. In all seriousness, that really sucks.

Obviously, deciding what happens to the dog is easier than deciding what happens to the kids. If you haven't yet heard them talk about it, it doesn't mean they're not thinking about it, or talking in private. It definitely doesn't mean they're incompetent parents.

perdix 29

Dogs: Infinite affection, low cost. Kids: High cost, crass ingratitude and disrespect. It's no wonder they are fighting over the custody of the dogs. The question is whether they'll even get around to talking about you snot-nosed brats. The smart money would make you wards of the state.

TayonaC 10

haha exactly what I was talking about