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What's the point?

By Anonymous - 15/01/2021 19:58

Today, my university required us to set learning goals for each semester and then evaluate them later. And no, the answer, "I want to learn whatever they teach me in the classes I’m taking" isn't permitted. Neither is picking your own classes. FML
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Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the heck would you go to a university where they don't let you pick your own classes???

And you're purposely paying to attend this school because...?


Ambrily 27

So, which goal are you supposed to set? What did you answer, OP?

DoctorPALO 14

So exactly how hard is this to do? You have decided on a course of study, presumably. What's so hard about stating that you want to learn things to achieve your goals? Are you really that lazy?

Look up the course description and just reword that in your own words. Think of this as practice for when you are employed. Many professional workers have to do essentially what you are being asked to do. The only good thing about it is that an employer too lazy to write up your objectives is also too lazy to write up the results of that too. So you get to write up how well you performed those objectives too. A wise worker will keep that in mind.

Yeah, sometimes you just have to be a conniving bastard at work because higher management is full of idiots who wouldn't know quality work if it bit them in the nutsack. This is good practice. (I'm disabled now, but aaah, the memories...they are not fond ones.)

Why the heck would you go to a university where they don't let you pick your own classes???

DoctorPALO 14

When working on a higher degree there are often prescribed courses of study. Would you want a guy doing your surgery or your taxes who chose only to take PE or English classes?

And you're purposely paying to attend this school because...?