
By unwanted - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my parents fought over who gets the dog when they divorce. Nothing has been said about where my brother and I will live when they split. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 231
You deserved it 3 600

Top comments

The dog can't chose, so they have to decide. When they actually divorce they'll probably just let you chose.

the thing is, when the dog licks their face, it's cute but when you try to do it just gets awkward


GirlTeddy 0

must have been a very important dog

xoxoMEGANxoxo 13
imsteven202 0

when my parents split i went with my mom... thats what always happens... most of the time

marshmallowmouse 0

Dude, maybe just not around you. Your mommy and daddy still love you very much.

Play75Boy 0

o no they've decided where you guys are going. That's why they're arguing over the dog.

YDI for living in a dog loving society where animal's lives are worth more than humans'.

TRichy 0

F both u and yo bro life, sorry yo parents may have already made that decision

thats horrible : no one should have to go through that stuff

Why would they talk about that stuff in front of you? Obviously they either already did discuss it, or they are in the process. Maybe they wanted to get the easy stuff outta the way, and decide with the dog first.