By unwanted - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia
By unwanted - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia
yeah that sux
Dogs are better than kids. Dogs love you unconditionally.
ydi for thinking you're worth more to your parents than the dog. you're selfish. you know very well that the safe being for that dog should be discussed between them; for the dog's sake. you, on the other hand, can be dealt with another time.
... not everyone goes to lawschool
@102: not everyone does, I agree. But it is still common knowledge.
not necessarily if they can decide without needing to go to court. my bf's mom wanted to take the kids full time and his dad agreed, and it was settled. they didn't have any pets though!
So you only care if you are important to them, instead of caring ABOUT them?! They're f-in gettin a divorce >.
maybe they already decided and theyre gonna tell you later??
I'm sure they know exactly were you guys are going, they thought of you two first. and then the dog .
im pretty sure you will have a choice whereas the other is clearly unable to make that decision!!!!
The dog can't chose, so they have to decide. When they actually divorce they'll probably just let you chose.
the thing is, when the dog licks their face, it's cute but when you try to do it just gets awkward