
By unwanted - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my parents fought over who gets the dog when they divorce. Nothing has been said about where my brother and I will live when they split. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 231
You deserved it 3 600

Top comments

The dog can't chose, so they have to decide. When they actually divorce they'll probably just let you chose.

the thing is, when the dog licks their face, it's cute but when you try to do it just gets awkward


ArielTheMermaid 17

um they're probably gonna let you choose

BayleeWasHere 1

Haha!! Your worth more than a DOG! If they don't argue over you, FML.

kick5 2

Ur parent like the dog more than the kids that's messed up

Sorry to hear that, my parents are divorcing right now also, but they aren't fighting over the dog.

How can they fight over the dog, the way the courts work in a divorce is the dog is taken outside with the owners after the dog has spent the night with a third party then they see which person the dog runs too, a vet is on hand to stop cheating

hiandrews69 29

Don't worry op. I'm sure when it comes time for the retirement home down the road, you can remind them of this instance. Something along the lines of "remember how you both fought about where the dog was going to live instead of worrying about where we (the kids) would live?" Or, drop subtle hints about putting them both in the same room for the "two for one" deal. I know divorce sucks op. fyl