
By ill - 02/10/2009 17:18 - Canada

Today, I called my dad to ask why my university tuition had not been paid. He said that my school was "too expensive" and he "couldn't afford it." He then asked me if I would take in his mail while he was away. He was taking his new wife to Hawaii; apparently it's beautiful this time of year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 611
You deserved it 3 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shrirke 0

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. It's the same argument every two posts! Do you REALLY THINK that it's SO EASY to pay for college yourself, in THIS economy? Are you REALLY?! THAT?! SLOW?! In regards to the earlier comment about college isn't for everyone, damn straight - it's not for people who think it's so easy to do things totally by yourself! Does that make you a moocher? No! You have to find a BALANCE - which sometimes includes your parents helping you out with college. If you're one of the lucky few who found a decent job in this economy, well Effing good for you - go brag about it to someone who gives a damn...or else quit and give it to someone decent enough to deserve it. As for the OP - Damn...that DOES suck. When you find a way out of this (WHEN, not IF, because anyone who cares this much about college definitely has what it takes to make it), move on, and don't look back at him, and when he blows all his money on his new wife, let 'em starve. Good luck.

expen_dable 0

you are a moron. The OP isn't being selfish just because his dad was paying the tuition bill and then decided not to. its already october, so wtf is the OP going to do now for money? he might even get kicked out of college. his dad screwed him over. college tuition isn't "tee hee okay daddy i'll get a part time job at starbucks to pay my tuition!" no kid, it doesn't work that way. I really hate when high schoolers try to give advice to older people when they have no clue what they're talking about.


Do you have any idea what college costs compared to a trip to Hawaii?

If he can't afford college tuition he shouldn't be going to Hawai. Education, now more than ever is the greatest thing one can have, to at least think about building a nice future, and no father should take that oportunite from their kids... Op maybe you can get a job to help with it but your father's attitude isn't right so fyl....

0_0 0


boatkicker 4

So if your father said "Hey I'll pay for your tuition. Don't worry," and then blew it off, are you saying you wouldn't be pissed? It's not about the fact that daddy's not paying for college. Its the fact that Dad said he would pay for college and blew it off.

I THINK it's due to the fact that x years ago their parents decided it'd be fun to give raising a kid a shot. If you get a kid you're responsible for ensuring he/she succeeds in life. So yeah, that does include college or atleast you tell them in advance they'll need to chip in or pay it themselevs so they can get a student job. You do NOT tell your kid that when school's already started. And oh yeah, with the current economy I'm SURE he'll be able to find a great paying job instantly eh?

False, if you have a kid, you're responsible for raising him properly, whether he succeeds in life will hopefully be influenced by a good upbringing, but at some point the kid has to take some self responsibility.

He obviously took responsibility by enrolling in school. He held up his end of the deal. His father however, did not.

New wife > everything. Including you. Sorry. Remember, you are just a reminder of the crushingly sorrowful years of his life with your mother. I suggest you shut up and take a loan.

ozymandias_fml 0

I don't get it. Why would he be paying your tuition anyway?

OptimusSlime 23

Because OP, as well as many other students in college, are unable to pay the expenses of college, thus they rely on their parents. And yes, it is the parents job to make sure their child is able to farther their career and education, even if that means paying their child's tuition. It would be one thing if OP could get a job and just didn't want to work, but with this economy and the amount of school work college students get, it's hard to work while in college.

Sorrybro 0

Sounds like school isn't your strong point anyways. Maybe you should learn how to write quotes properly. YDI

So... when I went to college (all of 2 years ago) I had to pay for it all myself. If your Daddy doesn't want to pay for your school he doesn't have to. You are not a minor and hence entitled to his financial support.

wildxchild 0

it's not about the fact that his dad is paying ( or not paying ) for college! are you people really that idiotic? this fml is about the fact that his dad had agreed to pay and then backed out LAST MINUTE. wth is someone suppose to do with a 20-50k bill?! get a job? oh yeah because the financial aid office is really going to wait for someone to get a job in this piece of crap economy. i'm sure if the op knew beforehand that his father wasn't going to pay, he would have prepared himself. but this is just effing wrong.

If you're a half decent parent you should want your kids to get a good education. Hell, even loaning your children the money and making them pay it back is better than nothing. Obviously this person was depending on their father paying for their college so they hadn't planned on having to pay it themselves. Christ, some of you people need to remove the self righteous pole from your asses.

txgirl09 5

Well, I just get the impression that the mutually agreed on arrangement was that the dad would be paying. If that's the case it is a FYL because he could have had time to try and figure the tuition out had his father told him he couldn't continue to make tuition payments. So can we really assume he is in fact being a selfish baby? But yes if he's a snotty little brat that just assumed dad would pay it is indeed an YDI. I wish the OPs would comment and give more detail on the situation.

Usually the OPs don't comment because they would be obligated to reply to every single comment. But I do agree that they can be a little less vague.

It's really odd to see how majority of the FML posters pay for their own college tuition but majority of the people in U.S get some sort of help from their parents. Yes i'm aware that not everyone is American on this website but from what i see the majority is. It's very selfish of parents to not help their kid get a secure future but instead spend money on other material things that aren't a necessity. People who say, "you're 18 so take care of yourself" sound like the most terrible parents/future parents of all. That really means that you consider children to be a burden who you have to take care of because the law tells you to. Also just because you had it bad or just not as good doesn't mean everyone else should too. If someone's leg breaks off, that person has a right to complain rather than sucking it up because some people were born without legs and arms.

Agh, my father had that sort of mentality, suddenly shoving responsibility into my face at 18. I mean that in the sense of without warning and in a cruel way (going as far as to call me a lazy/selfish bitch and accusing me of not caring/trying... when I had already been accepted into my college). I agree with everything you said. And ya know? It doesn't matter if the kid /should/ pay for his own tuition or not, his father told him he would so he didn't have to worry, then suddenly pulled the rug out from under him and took off with it. When someone says or promises they're going to do something, especially something of the magnitude of paying for college, then you're inclined to be grateful and trusting of them. His father has no right to be such a dick like that. OP, unfortunately it sounds like you're going to have to take out a loan. Or get lucky with rich relatives.

I'm really sorry to hear that. At least you know to treat your children better(if you're planning on having kids). Most likely it's too late for the op to get a loan now and he might have to dropout. Hopefully some relatives will help out and/or his dad will get his priorities straight.

ozymandias_fml 0

Look, college is not for everyone. Everyone trying to go to college is what is driving the prices up. Drop out, and get a day job, and leave college more room to handle the people that ought to be going -- the people that pay their own way.

Oh, so is that how life should work, Mr. High and Fancy? People shouldn't enroll in college if they don't have enough money to pay without scholarships or financial aid? People like you are what make the economy as bad as it is today.

ozymandias_fml 0

No, people should not go to college if *they* are not smart enough to figure out a way to pay for it between scholarships, financial aid and *getting a damn job*. If you are not smart enough to think to apply for scholarships or not smart enough to qualify, what do you think you are doing in college in the first place? Qualifying for scholarships is paying your own way by applying yourself academically. Not quite sure how "only do what you can afford" and "spend responsibly" is making the economy bad in your eyes, especially when it was people over reaching and spending credit they should not have had, driving housing prices up and causing more people to take out bad loans, and an unregulated loaning community that caused the economic crisis. Those of us that made it through college can actually understand economics. Don't worry, though. We will always need ditch diggers, so there will be a place for grunts like you.

Even if someone does get a scholarship that doesn't mean the person has a full-ride. So the person still has to pay for college tuition. Plus there are many more students who want to go to college and are qualified to get accepted into colleges than there are scholarship available!

Oh, so you are learned in economics, hmm? Congrats on being a qualified arguer, but I'm a straight-A high school sophomore and haven't taken economics class yet, so I'm sorry if I don't fully understand the inner workings of the world's money. I realize that you have to qualify for scholarships, buddy. I also realize that scholarships were started so that students who deserved to go to college and get a career that fit their abilities wouldn't be financially restricted. But, in your original post, you called the people who don't use scholarships the "people that ought to be going", so I was inclined to respond. In case you didn't notice, the economy isn't exactly in the best shape right now. Money is tight. Unemployment is higher than it usually is. So, why wouldn't people want to go to college? Careers that require a major or master's pay more than "day jobs", which is appealing anyway in the first place. Maybe you're a bit richer than some of us, but you still have to show respect. It's the American way. And if I do end up being a grave digger, I'll make sure not to dig yours.

expen_dable 0

I have scholarships, grants AND a job and *gasp* that doesn't cover all my tuition. I guess that automatically makes me a ditchdigger candidate in your eyes, despite the fact that I started a year early and have a 3.5 GPA. Nope, only people that can cover EVERY BIT of their tuition deserve to go to college. By your logic, having money is more important than actually being smart. Well, Bush did get into Yale after failing out of a different college...but him having money makes him way more qualified than some genius but lower class kid, right?

Hahahahahaha. This is probably the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. This sounds like it's coming from someone who has had everything handed to them their entire life and has never had to lift a finger for anything. You have no idea what it's like to work your ass off and still be left empty-handed. Welcome to the real world. This is what it's like.

__no_one__ 0

And even if someone does get a scholarship, not at such short notice. Maybe OP didn't apply because they thought they'd leave the spot to people who really need it. I have a

cooLING 0

There's a reason the Occupy Wall Street movement is occurring and it's occurring because of snobs like YOU.