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By Anonymous - 17/04/2022 11:00 - Gabon

Today, my near 70 year-old father posted his Wordle score to the family group chat. Two days after I'd messaged him a warm and lengthy congratulations on his 10-year sobriety anniversary — to which he never replied. FML
I agree, your life sucks 723
You deserved it 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean this as gently as possible, but did he /want/ the sobriety reminder or was that something you feel he /should/ want? He might just be uncomfortable with that. Or maybe he didn’t know what to say in response and didn’t reply as a result.

JimmyOblues 6

So you’re saying… “I’m pouting because he didn’t congratulate me on congratulating him.” Get over it.


I mean this as gently as possible, but did he /want/ the sobriety reminder or was that something you feel he /should/ want? He might just be uncomfortable with that. Or maybe he didn’t know what to say in response and didn’t reply as a result.

It's noteworthy when a 70yo can do anything at all on social media. Considering the hundreds of signals that come from electronics on a daily basis, overlooking one is generally not something to worry about.

JimmyOblues 6

So you’re saying… “I’m pouting because he didn’t congratulate me on congratulating him.” Get over it.