
By Anonymous - 21/06/2024 13:00 - United States - Maryland Heights

Today, despite being an incredible single mother to my only child, and loving him more than anyone else could, my son still completely ignored me and my attempts to hug him at his gender reveal party with his wife. Apparently she deserved a hug more than I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 114
You deserved it 1 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's your son, not your husband. Of course he would hug his wife over you; she is now first in his life, not you. He's an adult now with his own family. You can be involved, but you have to respect them as a unit and their boundaries; if you can't do that, get therapy or stay away.

Why are you trying to make this very personal event between your son and his wife all about you?


chances are your idea of good mom and everyone else's idea of good mom are very different. she is the main woman in his life now. you shouldn't have been within hugging distance right after the reveal. yes she deserved the hug, she is carrying the baby SHE is the mother. this is THEIR baby to be celebrating, not yours. cut the cord before they cut you out

Oh my gosh, if you're who I think you are, I saw this video. It was very embarrassing and you should be ashamed. He's your son, not your husband. Of course he would hug the MOTHER OF HIS CHILD first, and not his crazy mother

soundsfakebutok 9

what the **** is wrong with you

Cut the umbilical cord. The guy is old enough to be married and have kids of his own. Kudos to him for not falling into your trap of making him a mama's boy. Sounds like you need some serious help. Does post-partum depression last into adulthood? (Legit question, I have no idea.)