Pros and cons

By Nope - 10/11/2023 12:00

Today, my girlfriend only gets horny on her period. Unfortunately, she also gets extremely gassy, so I get to smell her vile farts the entire time. I think this relationship is turning me asexual. FML
I agree, your life sucks 454
You deserved it 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, my first wife only actually got horny on her period. But before we were married, she was at least sexually receptive at other times too… It’s time for a discussion with GF about expectations of how often and when you’re going to make love. If you are able to come to a reasonable accommodation, then you have a future together. If you cannot come to a reasonable accommodation, then it’s time to be thankful she’s not your wife.


OP, my first wife only actually got horny on her period. But before we were married, she was at least sexually receptive at other times too… It’s time for a discussion with GF about expectations of how often and when you’re going to make love. If you are able to come to a reasonable accommodation, then you have a future together. If you cannot come to a reasonable accommodation, then it’s time to be thankful she’s not your wife.