Public announcement

By Pissed - 05/10/2011 15:29 - Australia

Today, in an incredibly busy shopping center bathroom with my 5 year-old niece, I was squatting over the toilet seat to avoid germs. My niece then says at the top of her voice, "Auntie, why are you sitting like a kangaroo?" I'd say the whole room pissed their pants laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 738
You deserved it 8 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just put toilet paper on the seat and take a shower when you get home

It's not like I don't understand why people don't want to use public toilets, but wouldn't it be easier to bring some toilet seat covers? Squatters often cause the most mess.


Look on the bright side, if he were a boy he woulda yelled "auntie! Where's your penis"

blair_x 12

Even with the papery covering on the seat, sitting down on a seat that has like, 150+ people's asses sitting on it everyday (and at least a few of them probably aren't very clean and have like, herpes or something) is kind of gross, so yes, I will kangaroo-squat over every public toilet seat if I have to use one at all. But that's just me.

They say telephones have more germs than toilet seats.

KTC30 0

But their pants were down so they couldn't piss their pants laughing.

jsprackman 11

kangaroo with a neice in its pouch.

OP deserved it for squatting while they piss. Squatters and toilet seat liners make more of a mess than people who sit down. Honestly you can not catch anything from a toilet see by just sitting on it, I could see if someone rubbed their junk on it but really who would.

taurusxdee 10

It wouldn't make sense for them to piss their pants in a bathroom...=P

aFMLfann4life 0

I do that tooo! & I thought I es the only one..

luvisgood 1

Haha!! This made my day OP. I'm sure it made everyone else's in the bathrooms day too! I seriously LOL'd.