Quick Stop
By poopy pants - 08/04/2013 01:47 - United States - Minneapolis
By poopy pants - 08/04/2013 01:47 - United States - Minneapolis
By sadddddd - 11/09/2011 01:54 - Canada
By Anonymous - 13/11/2019 03:00
By Username - 27/01/2011 17:40 - Romania
By Anonymous - 15/11/2022 10:00 - United States - Utica
By Redhairchick - 06/11/2016 07:08
By Anonymous - 21/06/2012 17:43 - Canada - Toronto
By Anonymous - 13/11/2014 18:01 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 27/08/2023 14:00
By heyhijello - 09/09/2013 22:05 - United States - Oakland
By Anonymous - 19/07/2019 00:01
sounds like you had a shitty night .
I wish I saw this I probably would have given you some toilet paper and a pat on the back.
Well, shit happens
Shit hqppens.
After reading this FML all I can imagine is a car driving by and running over your shit, splattering it all over you and your car. if this actually happened tho I'm sorry
Could easily be food poisoning
If you're on a hangover, then alcohol can sometimes do that to you. I hope you weren't too far from home anyhow!
Please tell me what road you were on so I can avoid it
I keep re reading this fml and don't understand why I can't find the words " Taco and Bell" anywhere within it.
If you gotta go...better the side of the road than on your interior, right?