Rained on

By smellyhand - 16/12/2009 21:11 - United States

Today, it looked like rain so I held out my hand to catch a raindrop. When I finally caught one, I closed my hand over it and ran to show my friends to prove it was raining. I opened my hand saying, "Look! It's raining!" When I looked down, I saw that I had actually caught a bird shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 791
You deserved it 34 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LMFAO, good thing you didnt stick ur tongue out instead

2 questions... 1) how could you not feel that it was shit in your hand? and, 2) why do you have to prove to your friends that it is raining?


Was it a bet or something? Why did you need to proove it?

I'm just wondering why on earth you would feel the need to "prove" to your friends that it was raining. ?

Why_me499 21

wouldn't you have noticed it was warm instead of cool?

why do you have to prove to your friends that it's raining?

I'm wondering why you have to prove to your friends it was raining. do you usually lie?

sarahcroy20 12

Why did you have to prove that it was raining?