Rained on

By smellyhand - 16/12/2009 21:11 - United States

Today, it looked like rain so I held out my hand to catch a raindrop. When I finally caught one, I closed my hand over it and ran to show my friends to prove it was raining. I opened my hand saying, "Look! It's raining!" When I looked down, I saw that I had actually caught a bird shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 791
You deserved it 34 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LMFAO, good thing you didnt stick ur tongue out instead

2 questions... 1) how could you not feel that it was shit in your hand? and, 2) why do you have to prove to your friends that it is raining?


NewJoisey 0

who even tries to catch a freaking rain drop? are you like, really stupid. jesus christ

chedgefa 0

pretty sure most 5 year olds can tell the diference between water and bird shit

Didn't you notice it was warm...? Or at least kind of big for just being a raindrop?

restlesspyro 0
maddiesonnn 0

wow yer like a little kid, the shit catcher xD