Razor sharp focus

By Anonymous - 12/09/2024 15:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my husband spent all day on Skyrim trying out trick archery shots, things like shooting the butterflies, shooting a running rabbit, shooting himself by firing into the air. Meanwhile, I’d been at work, the kitchen was a mess, he didn’t walk the dog, and he missed my Amazon delivery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 381
You deserved it 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Been there. That's why I don't date gamers anymore. Most of them will never admit that they are addicted and I know that this comment is going to get a bunch of down votes for saying that.

considering Skyrim has been out for 10+ years I doubt this was an addiction. easier explanation is just he doesn't care about his SOs priorities


Been there. That's why I don't date gamers anymore. Most of them will never admit that they are addicted and I know that this comment is going to get a bunch of down votes for saying that.

considering Skyrim has been out for 10+ years I doubt this was an addiction. easier explanation is just he doesn't care about his SOs priorities