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By fmlfmlfml - 02/06/2009 18:03 - United States

Today, I was taking a nap. Apparently, my two year old daughter decided to crawl on top of the covers on my bed because she was scared since there was a thunderstorm. I thought she was one of our cats so I kicked her off. She hit the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 96 969
You deserved it 252 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

truslide 0

LMAO must have been a hard kick to do that and even then, why the hell would you kick a cat that hard?

I don't think your child will be crawling in your bed anymore for a while... if ever.


That's what you get for yeti g to kick a cat u failure!!! Sorry for ur daughter hitting the wall though...

Holy shit I could imagine that in like epic movie and stuff, nice job =]

littlemisslee 0

Where's animal cops when you need them?

F YOUR life? F your daughter's life/your cat's life.

Oh and for all the posters who assume the OP is the mother/father, way to show your biased attitude. Some of you should stfu.

You are a ******* idiot! how the hell could you do that.

Jennydew 0

YDI. Hopefully you learned your lesson and won't kick your animals anymore. They don't deserve to be kicked any more than your daughter does. I hope she's ok.

poprockxmassacre 0

I really wanna see everyone who has posted a "OMG U KICK CATS?!1" post sleep and not move at ALL in their sleep when an animal jumps on their bed. I highly suspect we're not talking a soccer-star-going-for-the-field-goal kick here, everyone.

Goomba5000 0

Why the **** would you kick your cat anyways? Animal abuser!