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By fmlfmlfml - 02/06/2009 18:03 - United States

Today, I was taking a nap. Apparently, my two year old daughter decided to crawl on top of the covers on my bed because she was scared since there was a thunderstorm. I thought she was one of our cats so I kicked her off. She hit the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 96 969
You deserved it 252 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

truslide 0

LMAO must have been a hard kick to do that and even then, why the hell would you kick a cat that hard?

I don't think your child will be crawling in your bed anymore for a while... if ever.


bosco_kk 0

Wow, poor kid. And POOR CAT if you want to kick it that hard. I Mean, if your kid hit the wall, the cat would have been splattered on it. YDI lol

this is the first time an fml made me laugh. and i'm suicidal. FML.

Why the hell would you kick your cat off your bed in the first place?

Hahaha *high five* Haaaaa I'm an asshole, I know.

Octiskeet 0

Why on earth would you KICK a poor cat, that doesn't know any better, just for wanting to cuddle with you? ******* scum.

Wow why you kick your cat? Animal abuse much???

someone call social services AND aspsa. god, this is sick. fyl? you kidding? poor kid, poor cats. i have no sympathy for you at all. though i do think its fake.

YDI 1. why would you kick your cat off the bed? 2. im assuming you 2 yr old is tremendously bigger than your cat. if it would have been your cat, you probly would have killed it. you're an ass.