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By fmlfmlfml - 02/06/2009 18:03 - United States
By fmlfmlfml - 02/06/2009 18:03 - United States
By badmom101 - 16/05/2009 11:26 - Canada
By Anonymous - 20/10/2024 11:00 - United Kingdom
By bodhimae - 03/05/2009 07:15 - France
By Mom2grls808 - 19/12/2018 20:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/12/2012 15:55 - United States - Amsterdam
By shitface - 25/01/2010 10:18 - Australia
By Uh oh.... - 05/05/2019 16:00
By time to buy a gun - 02/11/2015 04:22 - United States - Carolina
By Christmas sucks - 24/12/2012 01:03 - United States - Boston
By Anonymous - 22/04/2024 09:00 - United States
**** your life? **** her life!
ok guys listen up.... you have no idea how far the wall is from the bed..... if they are touching that would be like half a foot to kick which wouldn't hurt a cat... and its natural reflex when your startled from your sleep.
Should you really be napping when your 2 year old is awake?
y would u kick ur cat in the first place
Why the heck would you kick a cat off anyway?? You are a horrible person.
LMAO must have been a hard kick to do that and even then, why the hell would you kick a cat that hard?
I don't think your child will be crawling in your bed anymore for a while... if ever.