By LadyLuck - 10/05/2009 05:38 - United States

Today, I went to go visit my beloved husband in the hospital. As I went past the nurses station, I heard them talking about the "bastard in Room 303." I went on to visit my husband in room 303. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 922
You deserved it 5 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I chimed in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of...closing the g*ddamn door? No! It's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality!"

australiaaaa 0

#2 nice panic at the disco lyrics, my favorite song by them :D


Sucks_to_be_you 0
Sweej 1

I'm guessing a hot nurse gave him a *******, but he decided to give her a choker when he came, therefore forcing her to swallow.

I chimed in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of...closing the g*ddamn door? No! It's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality!"

australiaaaa 0

#2 nice panic at the disco lyrics, my favorite song by them :D

i agree with #3, but #2 i dont really see how that relates to the ops situation

overthelimit 3

in the beginning of the song he sings about hearing two people gossiping. particularly about somebody's bride-to-be.

... you should write bastard on a piece of paper and stick it on the outside of the door... then blame the nurses.. haha.

tick_tock 0

That sucks? Kind of a crappy FML.

That damn bastard in room 303! Always causing trouble.

that's what the fml said. you don't have to repeat it.

Your husband might be lovely in general, but 1. Men are really bad at being sick, as you've probably noticed. ( about sums it up) 2. Patients in hospitals tend to forget that their sickness is neither special nor the fault of their nurses. (Not such a problem for most doctors, for some reason.)

This is so true. When working as a nurse I hated having to remind people that I has a health professional not a maid. It was far worse working in a private hospital.

honestly this isn't that bad... so what if some nurses were talking about ur husband... i honestly can't click on FYL or YDI...

ooooo you should yell at him or something, lol