Remember One Direction stans?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was lost in a foreign city so I asked a girl for directions. She replied, "Directions? ONE DIRECTION!" and started screaming in my face and jumping around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 419
You deserved it 5 812

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born_hustla 26

I don't know why this is a FML. They are just girls being girls (:

This is why I hate most Directioners. Most of them are crazy, insane fan-girls... Kinda like with the Vocaloid Len Kagamine. CRAZY. ASS. FAN-GIRLS. There's also Jacob and Edward from Twilight. Even more crazy fan girls. Just a message to you fan-boys and fan-girls: NEVER GO FULL FAN-BOY/GIRL!!! It's the most annoying thing you can do.

32 - calm the **** down and take your meds already.

32 - calm the **** down and take your meds already.

jem970 19

You just stumbled upon a crazy.

Time to get a tourist dictionary and ask for directions in the language of the country you happen to be in :-)

trellz17 19

Has no one noticed OP didn't write "in" or is it supposed to be "lost a foreign city"?

HeadlessSparrow 20

I guess OP forgot to put that "in" in the first sentence

I noticed, I just kinda got too lazy to point it out.

purplexpinapple 11

Lemme guess, you were in the UK? I hate Directioners!

This person was either in America or from America, so, I don't really think that it counts as foreign enough that there would be a language issue.

The UK is a foreign country to Americans. It's really quite a different place. The don't even drive on the same side of the road. And while they speak the same language, the dialect is different and, believe me, causes confusion. Try telling an American that you were in the toilet or a British person you were in the bathroom and observe the resulting raised eyebrow.

#50 When OP is from the US rather than on holiday in the US, there could be a language issue if his holiday is not in an English-speaking country. The girl he asked may not speak English very well, so One Direction may be the only association she had with "directions". Doesn't make the response any more appropriate though...

50- nobody said anything about a language issue. OP only said they were lost in a foreign city. It could easily have been a city in England, Canada, or even another part of the states and it would still be foreign to them.

Just to clarify, I'm English and I don't get confused between "I'm going to the toilet" and "I'm going to the bathroom"

lmao love how you seen that fml too XD

Well she was a great help wasn't she.