
By Cromwel620 - 23/02/2010 11:52 - United States

Today, I was working the night shift at the hotel I'm employed at. After checking in a young couple to the room above the main office, I was forced to listen to them having it off for most of the night, serving a very loud reminder that I've been single for five years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 281
You deserved it 3 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JoshTheMaggot 8

get ure ass up there and join in on the fun.

hahaha. next time dont book the young couple to right above the office.


Single doesn't mean u have to be Inactive...

that's probably because you work as a ******* bell hop at a hotel. get a real job

damn mate. looks like its time for u to call the hooker line

Oh yeah? ive been single for 18 years, im 18 years old. it could be worse.

DisappearingRose 18

threesomes are wonderful!!!! not that I would happen to know....

Just hire a prostitute or something. Then you won't hear anything :)

eman1972 4

You're sexy and I know it.......

gmk04139204 0

Ha! I went to a hotel the other night