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By supersmashpika - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Hershey

Today, while walking down the street, a truck hit a puddle and splashed me with water. After I cursed and flipped him off, he put his truck in reverse and splashed me again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 673
You deserved it 9 996

Same thing different taste

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In the uk - not sure about America - splashing a pedestrian with water is classed as an accident. If you go to the police station and report him he can be charged with leaving the scene of an accident. Might be a little karma for him if there are similar laws near you?


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The driver should have slowed down when he saw OP and the puddle of water, that way the splash wouldn't be so big.. And to do it again? That's douchy. So no #1, OP shouldn't have expected that in any way.

He knows how big of a splash his truck will make and since he made no effort to slow down, or avoid the puddle it's very likely he did it on purpose the first time too. I drive a large lifted 4x4 and if I see a pedestrian near a puddle I make sure to either slow down or if possible move around it. I am feeling like this truck driver of just a douche.

5FDPmetalhead 17

I can just imagine this being an endless cycle

A07 48

So much for karma, sorry OP

How do you know she doesn't have bad karma herself?

Too bad you couldn't have gotten the number on his plates or what not. Most trucks have a "how and I doing?" With a number to call.

I dont think its that type of hgv truck, just one of those larger 'cars' with an open back, in america they call them trucks.

Ya because they are "pickup trucks"

truckers_wife 23

#6, why did you add the "in America" part? she's from America. and even though most people are assuming it's a pickup truck because of the poor driving choice, there is a small chance it was a business truck of some sort. op never specified.

Why didn't you move when you saw the truck coming back?

Ted_brosby 4

Exactly. OP must've just stood there next to the puddle to get splashed a second time

Sometimes, if the puddle is big enough, there is nowhere to move.

In the uk - not sure about America - splashing a pedestrian with water is classed as an accident. If you go to the police station and report him he can be charged with leaving the scene of an accident. Might be a little karma for him if there are similar laws near you?

Actually if deliberate it is classed as assault. There was a recent conviction where a few young lads put up a video on YouTube and they were convicted. Since assault is a common law offence, and the US and other former colonies also uses common law with the same origins it should also be an offence in those jurisdictions.

Oh really? I didn't know about that. I just remember my driving instructor telling me to always stop if I splash someone just in case. Thanks :)

jkp1291 25

I can't see the cops in America really doing anything if you went to them about splashing. I imagine it would a bunch of blank looks and maybe some laughing.

Ted_brosby 4

That would be a huge waste of cops time when they could be fighting a real crime

I agree it's not worth the polices time to investigate/prosecute but the fact remains it is technically a crime.

If someone does this on purpose and ruins something of yours then I would say it is well worth it. If your smart phone is rendered useless, or you have a cast that can't get wet and now you need to go pay to have it replaced. Neither of these would be the persons fault but could be major expenses. Why not make the douche bag pay for it?

#33, I doubt you would memorize their license plate so that you could report them. It seems like too much of a hassle

#35, in the time it'll take to pull out your phone and open the camera app, the car will probably be long gone

Naggie_May23 6

In America, driving through a puddle to splash someone is perfectly legal -- or at the very least, people get away with it a lot and it isn't reported. But hey, that's good to know that it's considered an accident in the UK and you can report them for leaving the scene of an accident.

To be fair - no one ever reports anyone for splashing them in the uk either. I think the majority of folk aren't aware that they can and those that are aware can't be bothered.

I am a mailman and was walking down the street with my bags on when a FedEx truck did this to me. I know he did it on purpose because a greyhound bus went past me prior to, and managed to avoid splashing me. That sucks the truck driver was a dick OP.

lat187 18

Wow. And he had to have reversed rather quickly to make it enough to splash you again! Sorry to hear op, hope you weren't going anywhere important!