Life's what you make it
By Chanelle - 14/12/2023 14:00 - United States
By Chanelle - 14/12/2023 14:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/04/2024 00:00 - United States
By Ash090 - 13/10/2024 18:00 - United States - Fort Lauderdale
By Lonely and Fattie - 24/06/2024 06:00 - United States
By Nelly - 04/10/2023 18:30
By erin - 16/05/2021 17:01
By stillyoung - 02/11/2010 06:50 - Australia
By FriendzonedAFBoi - 23/03/2025 19:00 - United States
By Olivia - 24/07/2024 03:00 - United States
By I choose health - 11/04/2022 18:00
By Marisela - 24/05/2024 08:00 - United States
Weight is not the same as body type... You could have narrow or wide hips, long or short legs, and so on. And at the same time be either skinny or fat. Eating brings joy, that's why we do it. Dating brings joy as well. There's a trade off between the two, and it's up to us to decide which one we'll have. Having both is a rare possibility. Good luck!
No you know what’s unattractive? people like you who write people off based on. looks and not getting to know them
The very first thing we see when meeting someone is their looks. YES people make decisions based on looks. It is natural lets stop pretending its not because of your own subjective view on how society should be. It wont work out for you denying certain realities. Also - You should pay attention to your health for you, not for anyone else, however you may be pleasantly surprised at the type of person you will attract when you start focusing on a healthy you. Good luck. I know reality can be harsh. You got this.
So by that standard - almost every ******* human being on this planet? We're all superficial apes deep down, and if you don't believe it, you're lying to yourself.
You are not undateable. You wanna know what the problem is? Society. They’re so superficial. Real beauty is on the inside. What good is a hot body when you lack integrity and a good moral compass? Not all that glitters is gold. What you need to do is do inner work and think about the partners you are picking. Based on your post, it looks like they lack integrity. You dodged huge bullets. You are worthy of finding someone great regardless of your appearance. In this ugly world we live in, true beauty is found from within. Keep your chin up, do some inner work and use proper judgement when picking partners and find someone worth it. Because people who judge others based on appearance have zero integrity whatsoever. Good luck!
Every time a woman says that a man had friendzoned her, 10 guys have been friendzoned by her...
you mean those 10 guys that fuckzoned her? because just being our friend without getting laid is so horrible
Double standard much? Guys get called out for saying they've been put in the "friendzone" but women are okay saying the same? Let's be honest "friendzone" is "you're a nice enough person but I don't find you attractive." Men and women both do it and both experience it. It sucks. If you haven't been there it's because you're lucky enough to be super-hot. It's also not unreasonable to say "I am interested in a romantic relationship, and not just a platonic one, so it's not going to work out if that's all you want." The real issue is how some people handle it - being entitled, toxic, or belittling or attacking someone (verbally or, much worse, physically) for not reciprocating their romantic advances. Being in the friendzone, or putting someone in the friendzone are real things. It's not even bad to be a bit disappointed in "I only like you as a friend." The real issue is when you are entitled, rude, or mistreat others for rejecting you - so let's place blame where blame is due.
Fun fact: If you play in the wrong league, you will always be a loser. So, if you think overweight is so hot, why don't you just start dating overweight guys? I can pretty much guarantee you will never have any of the problems that you currently struggle with.
Look, you have to understand that everything in life has a cost. Being in shape has a cost, and that cost is eating right and working out. Similarly, being overweight has a cost: You open yourself up to ridicule, loneliness and poor health. So, the secret is that you have to choose your hard. Because everything is hard in one way or another. Which cost are you willing to pay? That is what will shape your life.
Life and dating aren't fair. That's just how it is and always been. Short or balding men, overweight women (and to a good extent overweight men), people with acne, or disabilities, or who just got hit by the genetic "ugly stick" along the way have a hard time of things. Both men and women, gay or straight, tend to prefer people they find physically attractive, and they're less inclined to 1. ask you out/accept going out 2. continue to go out with you and 3. seriously commit if you're not what they are looking for as basic standards of attractiveness. Dating sucks for some people and that's just how it is. -- Sincerely, a stocky nerd, below average height who started balding at 15.
I fully agree with you. But it is also about making the most of what you have. So, yeah, for a girl to let herself go and then expect the world to change is wrong. Be the change that you want in the world. But also, I believe that it is a good practice to be a good ambassador for oneself. Apparently Danny DeVito got asked on a date by a 22 yo girl when he was like 70 or something...
Yes but that doesn’t make it right. Someone who looks like a 10 can treat you like crap while someone who’s a 4 or 5 can worship the ground you walk on. Looks aren’t everything. They fade over time. So when that person with a hot body grows old, or gives birth then you’re gonna leave them for someone more attractive? That’s not right.
I mean I’ve been in a 3 year relationship and at the beginning of it, I was a little above what would’ve been a normal BMI. My partner was with me even when my BMI was high, and now it’s lowering as I’m finally eating right again and losing weight. I’ve been way too skinny in my life, to the point where everyone called me anorexic growing up, even though it was just my fast metabolism. I’ve also been at my heaviest before, still in a relationship. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really have to do with body type or weight so much as just being healthy and looking your best in a way that feels best to you. Maybe try getting into nutrition and fitness, and doing self care once in a while to feel more confident in yourself. Confidence is extremely attractive no matter what you look like.
Weight is not the same as body type... You could have narrow or wide hips, long or short legs, and so on. And at the same time be either skinny or fat. Eating brings joy, that's why we do it. Dating brings joy as well. There's a trade off between the two, and it's up to us to decide which one we'll have. Having both is a rare possibility. Good luck!
Fun fact: If you play in the wrong league, you will always be a loser. So, if you think overweight is so hot, why don't you just start dating overweight guys? I can pretty much guarantee you will never have any of the problems that you currently struggle with.