Road rage

By Anonymous - 12/02/2014 18:11 - United States

Today, a guy drove straight into an intersection, running a stop sign and narrowly missing my car. I had to swerve into a snow bank to avoid him. He stopped long enough to see that I had a toddler in my car, before flipping me off and driving away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 332
You deserved it 3 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_the_tiger 14

Did you see his plates? If so report his sorry ass.

Grauncho 27

I'm getting road rage by just reading this right now.


What a dick!!!! I hope you got his licence plate and report him to the police!!!!!

This wasn't in Russia, was it? I feel bed for you OP, two of you babies almost paid the price for so dicks carelessness. I hope the other driver gets his license taken away

Dodge4x4Ram 46

don't report him to the cops, a waste of time, give me his info

jroxs13 4

I kind of doubt this guy's story...and here's why. First off, how do we know the other driver saw the toddler? The toddler is in the back seat, right? Now the main reason I doubt the story...well I was in a similar situation the other day...and I almost think this OP could be the other guy. Now what happened to me is I tried stopping at an intersection....and I slid into the middle. Now this guy looked at me like I was the devil, and kept mouthing things to me and pointing at the stop sign. He was clearly upset when I had obviously slid into the intersection since it was snowy. I was no where close to hitting the guy, he was still at a standstill. And I didn't flip him off either... My point is that guy would likely tell a similar story to what the OP wrote... There's two sides to every story. I highly doubt it happened like the OP wrote.

I really don't understand people like that. I honestly wonder if they're some alternate species. Stuff like that makes me really mad.

Same thing almost happened to my mom with my two little sisters in the car. Good job avoiding getting hit with the little one in the car. People are assholes. Hope the damage isn't too bad, but either way you protected the most important thing.

I bet it was all the toddlers fault,he might be some evil genius who planned the whole thing and the other driver was his accomplice so the kid could collect the life insurance and the guy was mad because now he doesn't get his cut. Either that or the other driver is just an asshole. I'll let you decide.

Dohnut94 7

Hope you and your precious cargo are ok. What a dick, one day, he'll grow balls & feel guilty. Until then, just be glad it wasn't worse!(: