Road rage

By Anonymous - 01/10/2010 13:47 - United Kingdom

Today, when I stopped at a light, I tossed a banana peel into a field along the side of the road. The man behind me got out of his car, picked up the banana peel and threw it back into my car at me. When I tried to tell him it was biodegradable, he told me to "stop making up words." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 897
You deserved it 33 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Schizomaniac 24

Why would you throw a banana peel on the ground? Don't you watch cartoons?


savage74012 0

#9 you are freaking retarded. biodegradable doesn't meat crap when a raccoon rats it that night. WHO CARES?! and if you seriously can't eat a banana and drive at the same time then you shouldn't be on the road. loser

Shit is also biodegradable. Can I shit on your lawn? Paper is biodegradable... can everyone just throw newspapers on the ground? Banana peels especially take a long time to decompose. Take things that are biodegradable and compost them. Imagine what our cities would look like if everyone threw banana peels down along the road.

Yep, pretty much everything is biodegradable.......eventually. But, that doesn't mean it makes littering okay. And, if you thought nothing of throwing out your banana peel, you probably tend to throw lots of other stuff out your window, too. The world is not your garbage can! Take your stuff home and throw it in the trash.

Not to mention some things require a narrow range of conditions for them to be biodegradable, this becomes a problem with some biodegradable plastics in landfills. Just thought I'd add that in.

This is actually a big problem with orange peel in the Australian bush. It dries out and sits there for years, so a completely valid point.

Let me first say that yes, almost everything is biodegradable, but most human many human made products take years to. Though, this is a banana peel. It does not take WEEKS to. In fact, according to another poster, about ONE week. (which can be a long time for a disgusting rotten peel to be on the side of the road, I will agree) But, your analogy to ******** on someone's lawn is not particularly relatable. It was a field, which might or might not be someone's propert, but probably too large for anyone owning it to notice a banana peel. If it was someone's lawn, that's in clear sight of the owners and thus, significantly more disrespectful. (not saying littering is not disrespectful) Now, if we look at the FML, we can see they OP's thought process. He first assessed whether it was biodegradable, which, we can assume, most likely meant "will it hurt the environment?" When he confirmed it would do no irreversible damage, THEN he threw it out. It wasn't an issue of not caring. Addressing the "cleaner cities" part of your comment, people who throw a banana peel out the window in a city are very different than the OP. Banana peels on cement yeild different outcomes than on soil. Knowing this, it makes me wonder why so many people voted this YDI. Fun Fact of the Day: Gum is a product that will never ever EVER biodegrade. Ever. :)

What are you, frigging Donkey Kong? You can't just throw banana peels wherever you want.

Op you really deserve it! It's called trash if you just throw it wherever you want. Why not eat the banana peel next time? =.=

ElMundio87 0
sevans 0

you should have told that dumb ass to pick up a dictionary.

If you don't know works google them before you post comments about them. Biodegradable is most definitely a word.

...although, in fairness, it is a word that was made up in 1961.

If you don't know sarcasm/trolling, Google it before commenting.

GoArmy6624 7
dudeitsdanny 9

Actually, OP was probably the liberal.

It was in a field!! it's actually really good for the soil!!

Sixteenstars 0

Wow, people on here are so uptight. Who gives a crap about the banana peel, the man was obviously a moron. And rude too. He could have said "excuse me, please throw your trash in a trash can" instead of throwing it back in the car.

for real they threw it out because it is a biodegradable commodity that would have just been added to a huge pile of trash if they didn't. the man overreacted and thought he was being a hero. if he was dumb enough to not know what biodegradable means then he is clearly in fault

mwanaa 7

u deserve it but fyl for dealing with an idiot.