Road safety

By Scared - 24/03/2024 18:00 - United States

Today, I have two decades of existing under my belt, yet I still can't drive. The idea of trusting yourself and others to not be dumbasses when you're moving at high speeds is not at all appealing to my anxiety-ridden brain. I can't even ride a bike properly. How the hell am I ever going to live independently? FML
I agree, your life sucks 373
You deserved it 349

Same thing different taste

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The trick is to over-train. Take the advanced maneuvers and defensive driving courses til you can handle a car like it's part of you.

The trick with safe driving is assume no one else is paying attention. Most accidents are avoidable if you just focus and anticipate distracted/aggressive/incompetent drivers. Regarding speed, it only feels fast at first, eventually even 60 MPH will feel like the speed of a brisk jog.


F all of us for having to live in this car-dependent hell-scape.