Romance ain't dead

By awkwardbf - 09/09/2009 01:26 - United States

Today, I was sitting on my boyfriend's lap and we were hanging out, talking, and enjoying each other's company. Then he looked into my eyes and right when I thought he was going to kiss me, he said, "I can feel your heartbeat on my dick." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 997
You deserved it 4 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lphchld 0
mastory96 0

haha watch he'll probably get a boner from the slight vibration.


cmm724 0

i don't get why this is an fml!!

It was just a funny comment, if you cant be open to things like this you probably aren't very open enough and shouldnt be having sex. (that is if you have)

That has got to be the most romantic thing i've ever heard! lol props to your bf

tacoman007 2

Way to go, mister daytime emmy.

it's actually true, u probably turned him on

thats not bf had cum inside of me n he stayed inside n i told him i could feel his heartbeat thru his dick,,then he commenced tophukking the shit out of me once again lol pretty romantic lol

ryguy997 0

okay then... akward kind of,...

MiGman 5

at least he didn't say: that's not my finger