Romance isn't dead

By broken - 13/09/2009 04:26 - United States

Today, I was fooling around with my boyfriend in his room. He grabbed me behind the head to pull me in for a hard, romantic kiss. He accidentally smashed my nose into his cheekbone, and my nose started gushing blood and continued to bleed for over 2 hours. It's broken, and he just laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 005
You deserved it 4 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, welcome to a glimpse of your future with him. You don't laugh at someone you care about when they are hurt. Especially when it"s something you caused. He is NOT worth the effort.

Wait, so you were bleeding for two hours and you didn't think to go to a doctor?


1ParanoidAndroid 7

Yeah cheeks are soft, but she said cheek BONE. It's not like noses are hard to break.

get over it, its funny, find some humor in it. ****.

slag_ 0

great excuse to get a nose job....if you have an ugly nose ;]

If he hurt you like that, even by accident, and did nothing but laugh to see you in pain instead of helping you, that is a good warning sign of a potential abuser. Leave his ass.

Wow... Looks like someone took the sex ed class on domestic abuse too seriously. But really, I would laugh too. So would my girlfriend. But 2 hours is ridiculous, you should have gone to the doctor. Or you're lying to make your boyfriend seem worse than he is.

I don't think this is legit. How can you bleed for two hours? If the person was smart enough, they'd have called the ambulance.. "If a nosebleed persists for more than half an hour or is the result of serious trauma such as a blow to the face, however, the patient should seek professional medical attention."

He probably laughed out of tension rather than being actually amused, and at himself and the situation than at you. I laugh when I'm tense all the time. It gets me into trouble as much of the time, too, because people think I'm not taking the situation seriously. I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it. Sucks about your nose but it'll get better. In the meantime, you have a new story to tell people.

AntiChrist7 0