Romance isn't dead

By broken - 13/09/2009 04:26 - United States

Today, I was fooling around with my boyfriend in his room. He grabbed me behind the head to pull me in for a hard, romantic kiss. He accidentally smashed my nose into his cheekbone, and my nose started gushing blood and continued to bleed for over 2 hours. It's broken, and he just laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 005
You deserved it 4 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, welcome to a glimpse of your future with him. You don't laugh at someone you care about when they are hurt. Especially when it"s something you caused. He is NOT worth the effort.

Wait, so you were bleeding for two hours and you didn't think to go to a doctor?


whoredior 0

He doesn't respect you if all he can do is laugh about it first thing. Yeah, it may be funny later. But firstly, he should be concerned about you. Get a new boyfriend.

Well, welcome to a glimpse of your future with him. You don't laugh at someone you care about when they are hurt. Especially when it"s something you caused. He is NOT worth the effort.

kikchik2491 0

well don't give him such a hard time. some guys just aren't as sensitive as others. if he's the guy that is like oh a broken nose would feel like a papercut kinda guy then i understand. my boyfriend is like that it's kinda annoying, but it doesn't make me love him any less. he could have been a little more compassionate though forsure.

Oh ouch! That must've hurt Stupid bf you have there,doing that to you and just laughing about it D=

icantellu 7

wow! thats a hard cheekbone he got there

Wait, so you were bleeding for two hours and you didn't think to go to a doctor?

Let me ask a serious question? Why do so many people reply to other comments as though they are pissed off? I strongly doubt she put a tampon up her nose. If she had done this, it would absorb the blood and she would not have said "it continued to bleed for 2 hours". So if you don't have something good to say, keep your mouth shut. PLEASE.

Replying as though you are pissed off when you're obviously not is SARCASM and a type of HUMOR. Learn about them, please. It's like calling someone super-thin a fatty. It's obviously not meant to be taken seriously.

Well, telling somebody "seriously, think it through" is a bit insulting. Particularly when your brilliant "correction" turns out to be wrong. And how is it a joke to be insulting to somebody?

Of course he laughed. It IS funny, in an awkward way. Sometimes I fear the same happening with the chick I like, since she is sensitive about the neck. That's not for a while yet, though.

awesome you finally got that nose job you've always wanted!

loveurlifeJK 5