Roommate from hell #457

By Theguyinthedark - 30/06/2016 13:23 - Bangladesh

Today, my roommate and I were watching TV, and he ordered a pizza. After it was delivered, I took a slice. He yelled at me for taking his food and told me to stop mooching off him. I had to cover his rent last month and he still hasn't paid me back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 161
You deserved it 1 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Remind him of the rent situation....and help yourself to another slice....

Kick his ass out and get another roommate.


That sucks about him not paying you back, but you don't just take things without asking.

First off, what kind of word is mooching, I mean, how should you be supposed to have a serious talk when he uses that kind of vocabulary ;D second, why didn't you just say : oh yeah? pay the rent! , eat the slice and go back to watching the film?..I mean, your roommate is clearly not in the position to be stingy about anything if he doesn't pay rent OP..

He also should be eating cheaper stuff than pizza if he can't pay rent.

Your roommate is a douche for not paying rent, but unless you have an arrangement where he pays you in pizza, it's still really impolite to take someone's food without asking.

If you can pay his part of the rent, why don't you live alone? Kick his worthless ass out!

sylvienoir 18

maybe he took it out of his savings or maybe got a loan from a family member? he just said he covered it he didnt say how. maybe it was a one time kind of deal.

Well like if you didn't ask for a piece I can see why he got upset like at least ask, and yes it is unfortunate that you aren't being paid back but really just make it clear to him your upset about it and if he's a decent person he will pay you back but if he doesn't than tell him he's going to need to find a new place to stay.

A bunch of people said it's impolite to take your roommates food, which it is, but if a roommate and I are hanging together and one of us orders a pie, we either talked about sharing, or it should be implied on whether or not there will be any sharing. Saying I'm ordering a pie," or adding "for myself, do you want to order anything?" And if I'm behind on rent the least I can do is share my pizza.

Well, that's you and your flatmate, but the OP said the flatmate ordered a pizza for himself.

foh, no the OP did not, he said were watching TV together and the roommate ordered pizza. My point is if you are hanging out with someone and you order a whole pie, you ask "Hey are we sharing this?" "I'm getting this for me, do you want something?" Some kind of question. Generally you don't eat a whole pizza in one sitting, and you offer to share with people kind enough to pay your rent. Itinerant I'd let him keep at least one, because happiness has some value, unless they were completely irresponsible.

The fact that this was posted from Bangladesh puts me in awe. I'm so happy that FML is a universal thing and isn't something restricted to only western/European countries. :')

Mysterybounty 6

Call him out on it. Also what kind of a dick orders a pizza and doesn't share.