Roommate from hell #457

By Theguyinthedark - 30/06/2016 13:23 - Bangladesh

Today, my roommate and I were watching TV, and he ordered a pizza. After it was delivered, I took a slice. He yelled at me for taking his food and told me to stop mooching off him. I had to cover his rent last month and he still hasn't paid me back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 161
You deserved it 1 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Remind him of the rent situation....and help yourself to another slice....

Kick his ass out and get another roommate.


As soon as you can(if you have to wait for the lease) I would start looking for another roommate and kick him out. For now just start buying all your own food and such and tell him until he pays you back for the rent he can figure out a way to buy all his own stuff. Also, grab the pizza and throw it out the window.

sophie0908 16

Tell him you don't like moochers either and that he has 24 hrs to pay you back or get the **** out. And have a slice a pizza since he owes you

Literally illegal! In several ways!

And what did he say when you pointed that out? Ungrateful user.

Just because someone owes you money doesn't mean you're entitled to their belongings OP. How do you know that pizza wasn't going to be for more than one meal? He does sound selfish but hopefully it's because he's struggling and isn't normally like that

Call it interest rates for the money he owes and that the longer he takes to pay you back the more shit you'll take

BloodyGlass 10

The next time rent is due, don't cover his ass and tell him to quit mooching off of you. :)

first, tell him to stop being so petty, then take the price of the pizza and divide it by slices, usually 8, then remind him he still owes you the rent money- 1x pizza slice