Rude awakening

By blackcat37 - 28/09/2013 10:53 - United States - Independence

Today, at 6 in the morning, I sneezed so hard I fell off my bed. I guess I'm up for the day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 620
You deserved it 4 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I guess someone woke up on the snot side of the bed. Eh? Eh? No? Okay...

No, it's snot okay. This situation is nothing to sneeze at!

TyT63 12

You want a cookie or ice cream for your prize?

immunetoinsanity 23

Well OP obviously doesn't, and seeing as it's Saturday I'm sure they really didn't want to wake up so early. FYL OP, that would be the start of a terrible day for me.

TyT63 12

this app is FML god forbid someone wakes up at 6 their life must be so hard while people become homeless or lose all their money. and yeah i would love a cookie for my prize I love chocolate chip you ******* dick

TyT63 12

just saying their life isn't ****** because they woke up at 6 its not a big deal

DedicatedNova 13

I sneeze so loud in my sleep I wake myself up. So I'm in the exact same boat as you. Sorry about falling off your bed though. That must suck.

To the people that voted ydi... How the hell?! It's a natural body function!

jw90 18

They are called asses my friend.

jw90 18

Embrace the morning! It's a good day!

perdix 29

Hey, at least you got to sleep in. Did you hit snooze at 3:30 am, when decent folk wake up?

Sounds exhilarating. Hitting the ground sneezing.

Awesome an epic moment would of been a good YouTube vid lol