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Leave me alone

By Quortney - 22/07/2015 04:20 - United States

Today, I was working at the local grocery store and a customer of mine, who had only bought two granola bars and was holding up my line, tried to convert me to Christianity. Out of all the people to target, she chose the shy atheist who just wanted to do her minimum wage job in peace. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 643
You deserved it 3 074

Same thing different taste

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Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have, it's fine to be proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around.

People who force their faith on others really suck


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iPixelCheese 19

But atheism isn't a religion, it's the lack of one.

How does the same concept apply #11? One is a belief in supernatural claims and the other is a rejection of those claims until evidence is presented to the contrary.

#9 being an atheist means you don't believe in god(s) or religion and its teachings. An agnostic is someone who doesn't belong to religion, but may still believe in a god(s). It's a pretty common misconception

I agree it is the same thing though, a they have the right to believe that there is no higher power at all, that is still a belief.

By definition that is not a religious belief though.

I think the same concept applies here though in that it makes no difference whether the person being targeted is atheist or has a religion different to Christianity - the person is still trying to change their beliefs so it is no better to target an atheist than someone of a different religion.

#33, ANTItheists believe that there IS NO god. Atheists DON'T believe that there IS a god. Antitheism is a claim, atheism is a rejection of a claim. It's the difference between saying, "I don't think there is," and, "There is not."

AnyaS 19

#23, agnosticism is just about lack of knowledge. Agnostics (and gnostics) are still theists or atheists and they certainly can belong to a religion.

People who force their faith on others really suck

Exactly my first thought. But its the same with all 'radical' people, be it politics, what you should eat or even sports

iPixelCheese 19

Don't you just want to punch customers in the face sometimes? People need to mind their own business, especially when it comes to religion, and especially if you are holding up the line.

Some people tend to forget about public decency when on the topic of religion.

Its not just religion that people loose their public decency over. My mother owns and runs her business out of our home and some of hers and the woman that works for hers customers lack common decency all together about various topics. And it could get absolutely intense when someone hits a political, religious, sexual orientation, and so on.

very true. expressing your opinion and trying to get them to see it is all fine, but have it somewhere in a private location, not out in public where it can cause issues or turn in into a shaming event of some caliber.

Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have, it's fine to be proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around.

She said "fine" not "fun", although I'm sure she has had fun with 1 or 2 in the past.

fine #13 you want to be a smarty pants, its a she not he

Ok "professormctitie" if you're going to be butthurt about people and try to correct what seems to be a typo or slight misunderstanding, then let me inform you of this: You spelled titty wrong in your username. Have a nice day.

Wait, are you telling me what I've been doing with my penis hasn't been okay?

Having a penis does look fun, especially doing helicopter-dick with it.

Are we really questioning whether it is fun to have a penis? Feel free to remove yours if you don't need it. @8 I wish I could like this more than once. I will remember it though and quote you by the next chance.

And please don't force-feed it to your children.

#17 you listen to me ypu peice of poop, ill tickle your nipples

PePziNL 20

8: And please don't shove it down your childrens throats.

I was going to say the same thing! Glad I changed my mind beforehand.

Why can't we all stop arguing and enjoy this beautiful girls comment?

gatorgirl7563 22

And it's never okay to walk up to strangers and try to shove it down their throat.

It's because you're the only one who can't run away

She was trying to share her faith out of concern. Inappropriate but touching.

How can you find that touching ? She's being completely disrespectful, you should respect other people's religion, but you should also respect people's choice not to be religious.

Well if you genuinely believed people were doomed to an eternity of torment if they didn't think the same way as you, wouldn't you want to help them? This lady has probably been taught that by someone, it's sad.

countryb_cth 38

Concern for what? OP was perfectly happy before the lady started shoving religion down her throat. That's not concerning that's being rude and not minding the fact that some people have different opinions.

I get what #15 was saying I think, that if you believe people need God and will be more fulfilled having a relationship with Him, and that they will go to Hell if they do not believe in Him and Jesus Christ, then you may really want someone to believe what you do, because you don't want them to suffer unnecessarily. So it may have been motivated by concern but I don't think it was appropriate and she should not have done that at a grocery store, I think she should be respectful of people's beliefs but it can be easy to lose perspective when you have that mindset of 'everyone around me will go to Hell if they don't believe in Christ'. It is a horrible mindset to have, for you and others around. But although it was wrong in my opinion to push your faith on someone, it may well have been motivated by concern.

Or she was just trying to worm her way into heaven for 'saving' OP's soul, which most likely meant she was preaching unwanted beliefs, and clearly in the wrong place and time. If she was truly concerned she would've recognised how inappropriate she was being and left a leaflet for OP about the local church.

It's all "touching" and "generous" until someone tries to convert her to THEIR religion, then HER religion is under attack.

daydreamer244 13

Why can't people leave other people alone when it comes to religion? Everyone should worry about themselves; so what if someone doesn't think exactly like you do.