Running late

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I woke up very excited because I was going on my first date with this guy I really liked. I dressed very nicely and went to where we were supposed to meet. I waited for about 2 hours. I called him to ask him where he was. He got angry because he was still sleeping and I woke him up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 159
You deserved it 3 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you wait TWO hrs before calling?

Obviously he is not the right guy for you, forget about him and move on.


JABabY 0
TheZarola 10

Total YDI. Why would you wait 2 hours, anyway?

Two hours was too much time to waste on this guy. Half an hour was plenty. But he's too narcissistic. Better you should lose him now.

like_its_ya_bday 0

next time don't date lazy guys?

I completely question your taste in dudes.

AM/PM issue? That's why I go by a 24-hour clock. Everyone keeps telling me "It's 7 at night; you're not in the military, anymore!" And shit like this happens. Dump the jerk. You don't need him, OP

banananut 0

who dresses super nicely to go on a date these days? i don't think people are any more attracted to you if you're wearing a dress rather than jeans and a cute top. besides, every guy i know says girls are hotter when they're wearing sweats or something.

It's a "respect" type of thing. Society is too damn casual nowadays.

banananut 0

who dresses super nicely to go on a date these days? i don't think people are any more attracted to you if you're wearing a dress rather than jeans and a cute top. besides, every guy i know says girls are hotter when they're wearing sweats or something.

YoYoYo20_21_22 2

did you seriously wait for two hours? someone's desperate...