Running late

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I woke up very excited because I was going on my first date with this guy I really liked. I dressed very nicely and went to where we were supposed to meet. I waited for about 2 hours. I called him to ask him where he was. He got angry because he was still sleeping and I woke him up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 159
You deserved it 3 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you wait TWO hrs before calling?

Obviously he is not the right guy for you, forget about him and move on.


my2centsworth 15

do you still like him quite as much?

Well at least things didn't work out on the first date instead of further down the road.

Graawr 7

You really waited for 2 hours? I won't even wait for 15mins. But if he has a good reason why he's late then its ok with me. :D

xshadyshadow 0

Hahah, couldn't have said it better myself.

At least he proves he won't be worth your time...

it's okay. his penis is probably small anyway.

Kanvis78 0
Kanvis78 0

Guess you'll never be haunted eh? :)

Well, he sounds awesome. And charming, obviously. You deserve better-but who knows, maybe he has some strange reason and will call and explain/apologize. If not, tell him "No, it's actually fine! After waiting for 2 hours, then calling you and getting shafted, I met an amazing guy and we spent 9 hours together so I guess I have you to thank for that! So....thanks! *click*"

PedoBearSaysYES 0

Almost had it there Yogi... great plan till u do the math. So if the date was for 12 pm and she got there on the dime waited and called at 2 pm she had already either met the guy at 5 am and spent 9 great hrs w him or met him in between the 2 hrs she waited and she could just tell the future. Which if she met him at 5 am I'm thinking he was either already in bed w her or she's really freaking eager to meet her date and some weirdo was at their meetin place at 5 AM. No matter how u look at it it's bad. Now...... moor quazee hypothical situasionz Kwik!!!!!! zoops my phyco is showin need Mur medz...

Ah yes, the old am/pm issue, I take it. Just give it 12 hours and go back out there.

ha - that's hilarious! Good plan. I didn't think of that.

sourgirl101 28

Your comment reminded me of "Dumb and Dumber" lol. 'I just thought she was a raging alcoholic'