
By nostamp - 10/07/2009 06:20 - United States

Today, I rushed to the post office to mail an important document for the study abroad program that I'd applied for, which was due in a few days. Just as the envelope slipped out of my hand and into the mail box, I caught a glimpse of the upper right corner where there was supposed to be a stamp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 322
You deserved it 39 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fyourlife33 0

if you were at the post office like you said then just ask one of the employees to get it for you... big deal

testing_fml 0

You should always make sure of those things. So YDI.


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scubasteve159753 0

Well this is a good example as why maybe we shouldn't send you to another country as a representative and ambassador for the United States and it's education.

An honest and really dumb mistake. I can see it happening to me, but with something that important, I would check it constantly. YDI

YDI. Never go to send an important document until you checked it over a few times to make sure everything is in order.

jdawg777 0

Wait until pickup comes, then add a stamp and mail it tomorrow.

You can always just ask the Post Office to help you. I hope you got things figured out. :/

GatorBites 0

wow. you are really stupid. Who forgets to put stamps on IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS!? wow, just wow. You so deserve it.