Saturday Night Fever

By soy_un_perderdor - 13/12/2009 07:14 - United States

Today, it's Saturday. While all my friends go out to have fun, I get my excitement thinking about how I'll be sleeping with a new pillow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 723
You deserved it 6 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I like sleep more than sex. I do not blame you.

its hard finding the right pillow to spend your whole life with.. you should consider yourself lucky..


waterynuggets 0

Shit, it can be hard finding the right pillow! You know, you never said why you couldn't have gotten off your ass and joined your friends for all that fun theyre having. If you wanted to stay home with your pillow, that's fine. Your life ain't ****** because you're not a huge social person.

Reyo 2

I love new pillow smell. It's like my crack. Give me a new pillow and I'd love you forever. Just sayen.

I'm allergic to cotton,I can't have good pillows

zach055 23

Just crash a party, no one will stop you and even if they kick you out, so what!

I like sleep more than sex. I do not blame you.

And sleep with a new pillow is the best.

dude your canadian. of course you dont get laid. lol jk jk

So? If you want to have a more exciting life, then get off your arse and go outside into the real world. You can control this, so I don't see how it's a FML.

schwinn11 0

does your pillow have a big penis?

I thought they stopped making those after that guy was suffocated in his sleep by the dick pillow.

its hard finding the right pillow to spend your whole life with.. you should consider yourself lucky..

So what? So you like spending time at home (you're probably an introvert). Enjoy who you are!

youaresofucked 0

yeah. and besides MORE sleep leads to (in men anyway) higher testosterone levels, improved sensativity to insulin and better overall health. whats wrong with THAT?

Reyo 2

Because the COOL thing to do would be to collect as many STDs as you can, destroy your liver, and coat your lungs with black tar. *rolls eyes*

guckylynn 19

Your life is average. It's not a big deal... And it in no way ruins your life, unless your friends ditch you for being boring which in that case is your fault.

If it's a tempropedic pillow I totally understand. I choose sleep over going out sometimes, it's not a big deal.

OP go to hell. I spent my entire Saturday night in the library studying for my immunology final. YOU got to sleep so stfu :p